Ready for ApacheCon Europe 2009

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I'll be giving three talks next week at ApacheCon, on OSGi, Apache Sling and Open Source collaboration tools.

Ruwan Linton's OSGi talk, which is scheduled after mine on Wednesday, also presents practical experiences with OSGi. I'm looking forward to comparing our experiences, and people should probably attend both talks to get the whole picture.

I'm also very much looking forward to meeting new people and old friends there, including the Jackrabbit/Sling folks at Tuesday's JCR/Jackrabbit/Sling meetup.

Before that I'll be in Rome for a meeting of the IKS project, talking about requirements and use cases for semantically enhanced CMSes. Looks like a packed but very interesting week ahead - lots of context switches though ;-)

Update: forgot to mention Carsten Ziegeler's Embrace OSGi - A Developer's Quickstart presentation, which comes right before mine - attending that one will also help put mine in context, as I won't cover the basics of OSGi.