Cocoon "jungle talk" gets attention
It was a pleasure yesterday to see about half of the (smaller than I expected) OSCOM audience turn up for my talk. Looks like the promise of a path through the jungle of Cocoon rings some bells..
After talking I was wondering if I had scared people too much with statements like "if you're scared of a command line you're in the wrong room" ;-)
But feedback has been positive. This image, in particular, was well received: Apache Cocoon is like the toolbox of a very rich man: lots of tools, lots of options, lots of power...but one can get lost. Giving an overview of a real-life application (I use my current pet project as an example) helps people find their way a lot.
If you missed the talk...see you at the GetTogether for release 1.1 of the same presentation!
I was looking forward to Ugo's talk about Spring and I wasn't disappointed: combining Spring (for business logic) with the Cocoon infrastructure looks like a very nice way of building applications, and Ugo explained very clearly how to do it. Got to test this one as well...