That's it
Bye Stuttgart and ApacheCon EU 2005. I've had a great time all week here, and as usual the best part is the people - meeting and talking to people who I knew only in writing before has by far been the most exciting part, and this means a bunch of people who feel much closer now.
Big big thanks to everyone involved in making this happen. Reflecting on it, everything has been perfect, you guys know your stuff! (the only slight problem was Studio A, too small for the very popular Cocoon talks ;-)
We left a bit early with Jeremias so as to be able to catch the same train for the common part of our journeys, it's more fun than being alone, so if you haven't seen us at the closing session that's why.
I just realized that I'll have to keep track of which day it is again, in the last two weeks of vacation and conference it was always today. Way cool.