Thanks for a great Cocoon GetTogether 2006


Congratulations Arjé and team for a flawless organization, everything worked very well and we had a great time! Let's have a big hand for them, feel free to clap in front of your display!

Also big thanks to everyone for being here, the attendance was good with more than 100 people on Wednesday and about 60 for the two days of the Hackathon. Not bad for a single-project conference.

The conference notes are available on the Cocoon Wiki GT2006Notes page.

The british guys get my favorite-presentation-this-time award. Ross and Jerm's talk on LDAP showed the power of Cocoon's integration with various services and came right on time for me as I'll probably have to use LDAP soon. Andrew's six talks on Cocoon (though we got 50% off) were excellent, very funny while conveying serious information. Not that other talks were bad, those two are my favorite but everyone had good things to say and the 30-minute slots worked very well.

See you next Rome maybe? Or was that Venice? Anyway next year we must make the jam session happen in the evening, there are too many musicians in this community to skip this. Another idea for next year is to hire students to videotape the talks and put them up on YouTube (or was that Venice?) after the GT.