Transforming Maven POM properties with Groovy

groovy java maven maven-osgi-groovy osgi

We're moving to fragment bundles in Sling instead of using system properties, for example to export packages from the JVM's classpath.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, bear with me - this is just about a simple Maven trick to transform POM properties using bits of Groovy script.

Basically, an OSGi fragment bundle is a jar file that contains just metadata under META-INF, especially META-INF/MANIFEST.MF that contains the OSGi bundle headers.

One of these headers is Bundle-Version, which does not support values like 5.4.2-SNAPSHOT which are common in Maven. The dash is invalid in an OSGi bundle version number, that value needs to be converted to 5.4.2.SNAPSHOT

To avoid having a separate bundle.version property in your POM, which if you're like me you'll forget to update before a release, here's how to transform the value using a bit of Groovy scripting:

// Convert POM version to valid
// OSGi version identifier\['osgi.version'\] =
(\['rawVersion'\] =~ /-/).replaceAll('.')

As usual in Maven POMs (though I think Maven 3.x can improve on that, feedback welcome) that's a bit verbose to write, the actual Groovy code is just\['osgi.version'\] = 
(\['rawVersion'\] =~ /-/).replaceAll('.')

But even with the verbosity it's cool to be able to do that without having to write a plugin. You can then use the ${osgi.version} property for the Bundle-Version header.

For the sake of completeness, here's the other interesting part of that pom, which sets the required OSGi headers to create a fragment bundle. com.example,whatever is the package that we need to be exported by the system bundle.


Update: a complete sample pom is available at