Does OSGi work for you?

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apachecon-eu09.jpgI'm looking for additional input for my Tales from the OSGi trenches talk, at ApacheCon EU 2009 next month in Amsterdam.

My main angle for this talk is how the move to OSGi changes the way developers and customers work. Day's complete product line is based on OSGi (using Apache Felix and Apache Sling), and this has a tremendous impact on how our developers work. Users of our products, depending on the level at which they decide to interact with them, can also reap big benefits from OSGi's modularity and service-oriented features.

However, while OSGi might look like a silver bullet on paper, rethinking modularity and services has an important impact of the way people work, and on how we test our systems.

For this talk, I intend to describe the impact that OSGi has on our ways of working, including the potential downsides, or misuses, of extreme modularity and extreme dynamic behavior of services and components.

I'd be very happy to include other people's opinions (converging or not) in my talk, so let me know if you have similar experiences to share. Either in comments here, or by mail, bdelacretaz () All contributions will be duly acknowledged, of course!