Here is a list of recordings of my conference talks, as well as interviews and articles that I wrote or participated in. Some in French, some in English as I present in both languages.Highlights
The ASF's Board of Directors - interview with Bertrand Delacretaz
Rich Bowen interviewed me on how the world, and the ASF, have changed in the 14 years I spent in its Board of Directors, and why you might want to serve on it.
Distributed teams that actually work?
At FOSS Backstage 2024, on the basic principles that make distributed teams efficient.
Les équipes distribuées, ça peut marcher?
Ma présentation à Devoxx France 2024, sur les principes de bases qui permettent aux équipes distribuées de bien fonctionner.
Faire simple, la clé de la durabilité
J'ai fait salle comble avec cette présentation à Devoxx France 2024, sur l'importance de la simplicité dans la conception de logiciels.
HTTP, how it started, how it's going (with Roy Fielding)
An interview with Roy Fielding, co-author of the HTTP protocol and inventor of REST, on the evolution of HTTP from early days to current work on QUIC & HTTP/3.
Where to render, that is the question...
At adaptTo 2023, on the various ways of rendering Web content.
L'Open Source change le monde. Vraiment?
BlendWebMix 2019. Outils partagés, découverte de talents, diffusion de connaissances, infrastructure: la réponse est oui, sans aucun doute.
The Big List of recordings, interviews and articles
It is a long list indeed, going back quite some time in reverse chronological order.- Maîtriser les Fondamentaux du Développement Web - Bertrand Delacrétaz - devfest Strasbourg 2024 (video)
- Interview with Bertrand Delacretaz about being on the ASF's Board of Directors (video)
- Les équipes distribuées, ça peut marcher? - Bertrand Delacrétaz - Devoxx Paris 2024 [video]
- Faire simple, la clé de la durabilité - Bertrand Delacrétaz, Devoxx Paris 2024 [video]
- Distributed teams that actually work - Bertrand Delacretaz at FOSS Backstage 2024 [video]
- Faire simple, la clé de la durabilité ? Bertrand Delacrétaz à devfest Strasbourg 2023 [video]
- Where to render? That is the question. Bertrand Delacretaz - adaptTo 2023 (video)
- Distributed teams that actually work - talk at Devoxx UK 2023 (video)
- VanillaJS & the Web Platform, a match made in heaven? (video)
- Surviving large online communities with conciseness and clarity - Bertrand Delacretaz – FOSS Backstage 2022 (video)
- adaptoTo 2020 interview: Bertrand Delacrétaz (video)
- The Moving House Model, adhocracy and remote collaboration (video)
- OSGi inside - why we love it and why you don't really need to care (video)
- HTTP? How it started, how it’s going - an interview with Roy Fielding (video)
- Moving Adobe Experience Manager to the Cloud: Challenges, Stories, Solutions (video)
- Open Source changes the world! (video)
- GraphQL in Apache Sling - but isn't it the opposite of REST? (video)
- Chinese translation of my "Success at Apache: Asynchronous Decision Making" (blog post)
- How to convince your left brain (or manager) to follow the Open Source path that your right brain desires. (video)
- Digital Espresso - Java newsletter from 1996
- Feathercast - short interview about Apache Sling, with Bertrand Delacretaz (video)
- Bertrand Delacretaz's posts on Medium (blog posts)
- L'Open Source Change le Monde - Bertrand Delacrétaz, BlendWebMix 2019 (video)
- Shared Neurons - the secret sauce of Open Source projects? - Bertrand Delacretaz at ApacheCon EU (video)
- Sling and Serverless, Best Friends Forever? Bertrand Delacretaz at adaptTo() 2019 (video)
- Serverless, vraiment? Perspectives concrètes basées sur Apache OpenWhisk (video)
- The Feathercast jingle, 2018, music by Bertrand Delacretaz
- The Feathercast jingle, 2013, music by Bertrand Delacretaz
- Asynchronous Decision Making - Bertrand Delacretaz at FOSDEM 2018 (video)
- State of the Feather (video) - how's the Apache Software Foundation doing? by Bertrand Delacretaz at ApacheCon Montreal 2018
- Karate, the black belt of HTTP API testing? (video)
- Success at Apache: the Apache Legal Shield - a pragmatic view (Bertrand Delacretaz - blog post)
- FOSS Backstage 18: Bertrand Delacretaz – Tales from the multi-cultural trenches (video)
- Prise de décisions asynchrone - pourquoi et comment - Bertrand Delacrétaz, 2018 (video)
- La Fondation Apache (video) - présentation à Paris Open Source Summit 2017
- Asynchronous decision-making: Helping remote teams succeed - article by Bertrand Delacretaz
- Status meetings are a waste of time and money! - blog post by Bertrand Delacretaz
- Get the cattle out! Let's build a large scale Sling rendering/processing farm (video)
- Open Development: It’s About Listening - Bertrand Delacretaz for Adobe /IO (blog post)
- The Open Developer Manifesto - Bertrand Delacretaz for Adobe I/O (blog post)
- Success at Apache: Asynchronous Decision Making (Bertrand Delacretaz)
- Apache: lean and mean, durable, fun! - blog post by Bertrand Delacretaz
- Open Development in the Enterprise - video - Bertrand Delacrétaz at ApacheCon NA 2013
- The future of open source foundations - Open World Forum panel - video
- Open source is done. Welcome to open development SD Times: Software Development News (article)
- How to fix your project collaboration model? « bertrand’s brain grep
- A JCR view of the world: Bertrand Delacretaz speaks at Berlin Buzzwords (video)
- RESTful services as intelligent websites « bertrand’s brain grep
- OSS Watch - Open innovation in software (video), includes talks by Bertrand Delacretaz, Gianugo Rabellino and others
- Soccer team analogy for open source projects - OSSWatch's interview of Bertrand Delacretaz
- La fondation Apache claque la porte du JCP - LeMagIT - inclut une interview de Bertrand Delacretaz
- Semantic image similarities with FISE - by Bertrand Delacretaz
- Great software is like a great music teacher - by Bertrand Delacretaz
- would you hire an open source developer? - by Bertrand Delacretaz
- Shared neurons and the Shadok's First Law of Failure - by Bertrand Delacretaz
- What makes Apache projects different? : Apache Community Development (Bertrand Delacretaz)
- the H online: Bertrand Delacretaz on "Open innovation in software means Open Source"
- Apache Takes Newcomers Under its Wing | Javalobby - interview of about Apache Community Development
- Article on verbalix - publish the minutes of Swiss Parliament in near real-time on the web (German, PDF)
- cq5 content models: the tags
- The IKS semantic engine - a pragmatist's view
- The ASF is the Switzerland of Open Source | bertrand's brain grep
- CMIS could be the MIDI interface of content management… « bertrand’s brain grep
- What Makes Apache Tick? | bertrand's brain grep
- Sémantique : après l'échec du Web, place au poste de travail et au CMS
- Comment Apache Software Foundation gère sa communauté ? Interview vidéo de Bertrand Delacretaz à OpenWorldForum 2009
- Bertrand Delacretaz at ApacheCon 2009, video interview by Gabriel Hanganu of OSS Watch
- Bertrand Delacretaz at ApacheCon 2009 - light painting by Julian Cash
- Video Interview with Apache's GHOP Grand Prize Winner Spencer Davis, and Bertrand Delacretaz from the Apache Software Foundation
- FeatherCast audio interview: Bertrand Delacrétaz on Apache Sling
- Bertrand Delacretaz on the Apache Software Foundation (in French) - tivipro video interview at OpenWorldForum 2009
- Video: Bertrand Delacrétaz's "Open Source Collaboration Tools are Good for You" presentation