
Here is a list of recordings of my conference talks, as well as interviews and articles that I wrote or participated in. Some in French, some in English as I present in both languages.


The ASF's Board of Directors - interview with Bertrand Delacretaz

Rich Bowen interviewed me on how the world, and the ASF, have changed in the 14 years I spent in its Board of Directors, and why you might want to serve on it.

Distributed teams that actually work?

At FOSS Backstage 2024, on the basic principles that make distributed teams efficient.

Les équipes distribuées, ça peut marcher?

Ma présentation à Devoxx France 2024, sur les principes de bases qui permettent aux équipes distribuées de bien fonctionner.

Faire simple, la clé de la durabilité

J'ai fait salle comble avec cette présentation à Devoxx France 2024, sur l'importance de la simplicité dans la conception de logiciels.

HTTP, how it started, how it's going (with Roy Fielding)

An interview with Roy Fielding, co-author of the HTTP protocol and inventor of REST, on the evolution of HTTP from early days to current work on QUIC & HTTP/3.

Where to render, that is the question...

At adaptTo 2023, on the various ways of rendering Web content.

L'Open Source change le monde. Vraiment?

BlendWebMix 2019. Outils partagés, découverte de talents, diffusion de connaissances, infrastructure: la réponse est oui, sans aucun doute.

The Big List of recordings, interviews and articles

It is a long list indeed, going back quite some time in reverse chronological order.