VOTD - Video Of The Day

The ASF's Board of Directors - interview with Bertrand Delacretaz

I stepped down from the ASF's Board of Directors in 2024, after serving fourteen terms. Rich Bowen interviwed me on how the world, and the Foundation, have changed in those years, and why you might like to run for the Board.

Current Affairs

At the adaptTo() conference, Berlin, September 2019
Surviving large mailing lists in 2024
VanillaJS & the Web Platform, a match made in heaven?
Any custom HTML elements on this page?

Favorite posts

Here's a list of my 47 favorite posts. Milestones, writings that I'm proud of, etc., going all the way back to the early 2000s, when I started my first tech blog.

Surviving large mailing lists in 2024
From one Devoxx to the next: async decisions & distributed teams
VanillaJS & the Web Platform, a match made in heaven?
Any custom HTML elements on this page?
Teaching programming: Sonic Pi for the win!
WW;SW : Well Written, Subtly Wrong !
SSL/TLS certificates with Let's Encrypt
How to record decent conference videos - without breaking the bank!
Rules For Revolutionaries (2000 edition)
Would you hire an open source developer?
Great software is like a great music teacher
Open source is done. Welcome to Open Development!
Status meetings are a waste of time and money
Large Mailing Lists Survival Guide
Apache: lean and mean, durable, fun!
Shared neurons and the Shadok's First Law of Failure
Merry Christmas avec la Soupe a la Bière a Roger!
On speaking in URLs
Can I haz web?
What Makes Apache Tick?
R.I.P. Randy Pausch
It just doesn't matter
Mailing lists netiquette